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coronavirus/covid-19 liability waiver


Waiver of Liability Relating to Coronavirus/COVID-19:

The novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is reported to be extremely contagious. The state of medical knowledge is evolving, but the virus is believed to spread from person-to-person contact and/or by contact with contaminated surfaces and objects, and even possibly in the air. People reportedly can be infected and show no symptoms and therefore spread the disease. The exact methods of spread and contraction are unknown, and there is no known treatment, cure, or vaccine for COVID-19. Evidence has shown that COVID-19 can cause serious and potentially life-threatening illness and even death.

SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC, cannot prevent you from becoming exposed to, contracting, or spreading COVID-19 while utilizing our training services or the location of said service. It is not possible to prevent against the presence of the disease. Therefore, if you choose to utilize Spot on Dogs Illinois, LLC’s services and/or enter onto the site of our training classes you may be exposing yourself to and/or increasing your risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK: I have read and understood the above warning concerning COVID-19. I hereby choose to accept the risk of contracting COVID-19 for myself and my dog in order to utilize SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC’s services and enter the training location. These services are of such value that I accept the risk of being exposed to, contracting, and/or spreading COVID-19 in order to utilize said training services.

WAIVER OF LAWSUIT/LIABILITY: I hereby forever release and waive my right to bring suit against SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC and its owners, officers, directors, managers, officials, trustees, agents, employees, or other representatives in connection with exposure, infection, and/or spread of COVID-19 related to utilizing said services at the site offered. I understand that this waiver means I give up my right to bring any claims including for personal injuries, death, disease or property losses, or any other loss, including but not limited to claims of negligence and give up any claim I may have to seek damages, whether known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen.

FOLLOWING STATE/LOCAL/TRAINING SITE RULES:  I understand that due to the nature of the Covid-19 Pandemic, certain rules have been instituted to slow or prevent the spread of the virus. I agree to abide by all rules that have been instituted be they mandated by law or are the policy of SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC or the site used for training.  The rules include agreeing to wearing a mask at all time before, during, and after class while at the location of the service. The mask shall be properly worn covering both the mouth and nose and be made from the appropriate protective fabric or other material. I will maintain at all times, the required social distance of six (6) feet between myself and other class members.  I will follow all protocols including but not limited to hand washing, wiping down of training equipment, limiting the number of people coming to class with me and other such rules/policies implemented by SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC.

I further understand and agree that should I be exposed to or contract the Covid-19 virus I shall inform SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC to facilitate the notice to other class members that there is a student that may have exposed them to the virus.  SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS, LLC is required to NOT DISCLOSE THE IDENTITY of the subject student. I also agree that should I be exposed to the virus I will either not return to class for 14 days from the date of exposure or after 7 days provide SPOT ON DOGS ILLINOIS LLC with a negative Covid test.

CHOICE OF LAW: I understand and agree that the law of the State of Illinois will apply to this contract.

CONTACT US, we can help.

Tel: 815-520-5619 (text, please)

For the fastest response, please text or email.
Loretta also teaches college classes and so isn't always available to answer the phone or return phone calls.

Spot on Dog's classes are conducted in our fully matted and climate controlled training studio where indoor crating is available. We are located at 415. E. Pleasant Street in Belvidere, Illinois.

© 2023 by Spot on Dogs

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